Detoxification Aixa Goodrich Detoxification Aixa Goodrich

What is Metabolic Detoxification?

We are exposed over 700,000 different toxic chemicals on a daily basis and that is on the conservative end. The Global Healing Center estimates it to be over 2 million.

There are currently over 80 thousand chemicals registered for use and over 800 million pounds of herbicides are used per year. There are also nearly 200 industrial chemicals found in adults with no employment related exposure.

And…we wonder why so many people are sick and feel like crap.

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Nutrition Aixa Goodrich Nutrition Aixa Goodrich

Shedding the “Corona” Weight

After being quarantined for 2 months you’re probably ready to take your life back. You might have added a few extra “corona” pounds and you’re feeling it.

There are many fad diets out there that claim to be your ticket to success. Beware!

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Nutrition Aixa Goodrich Nutrition Aixa Goodrich

Depression or Deficiency?

Gastrointestinal issues can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Long term deficiencies may alter mood, cause depression, anxiety, chronic pain and inflammation thereby lowering your immune system and making you more susceptible to disease.

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