Heart Disease Aixa Goodrich Heart Disease Aixa Goodrich

The Truth About Cholesterol: Should You Really Be Worried?

For decades, cholesterol has been labeled the enemy of heart health, with warnings about avoiding high-cholesterol foods and taking medication to lower it. But research shows that cholesterol is far more complex than just “good” and “bad.”

In reality, cholesterol is essential for life, and blindly lowering it without addressing the real causes of heart disease may do more harm than good.

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Heart Disease, Chronic Illness Aixa Goodrich Heart Disease, Chronic Illness Aixa Goodrich

Understanding the Root Causes of Heart Disease: A Functional Medicine Perspective

For decades, conventional medicine has pointed to high cholesterol as the primary culprit behind heart disease. But emerging research—and what we see in functional medicine—tells a more complex story. Heart disease is not just a cholesterol problem; it’s an inflammation, metabolic, and lifestyle problem.

If you or a loved one are concerned about cardiovascular health, it’s time to shift the conversation from simply lowering cholesterol to addressing the root causes of heart disease.

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Aixa Goodrich Aixa Goodrich

Erectile Dysfunction and Coronary Artery Disease Connection

Have you heard the expression "a canary in a coal mine?" Miners used to carry caged canaries while at work to detect carbon monoxide. The birds would die before the levels of gas became hazardous to miners. This signal became a fail-safe for the teams of men and women.

Our bodies have some fail-safe alarms, too. In fact, men have a warning signal that should never be ignored: erectile dysfunction (ED)

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Aixa Goodrich Aixa Goodrich

Dehydration and Cognitive Function

Most people, especially the elderly, simply do not drink enough water.

Facts to Know

Water makes up 60 to 70 percent of our body weight. But shockingly, up to 75 percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated—especially seniors.

Typical signs of dehydration include...

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Aixa Goodrich Aixa Goodrich

The Insulin and Cancer Connection

Growing research has shown that higher blood insulin can result in increased cancer risk.

Because insulin is a growth factor, high insulin levels trigger rapid cell division and can cause cells to lose control of their DNA regulator genes leading to increased potential for tumor progression and

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Aixa Goodrich Aixa Goodrich

Why Excitotoxins Are Harmful To Our Health

Excitotoxins are chemicals substances that overstimulate certain type of cells in the brain, all of the nervous system and many other organs.

In high and excessive amounts these cells become damaged and may die.

The underlying mechanism of excitotoxins has been attributed to the following diseases...

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