What is Metabolic Detoxification?

We are exposed over 700,000 different toxic chemicals on a daily basis and that is on the conservative end.  The Global Healing Center estimates it to be over 2 million.  

There are currently over 80 thousand chemicals registered for use and over 800 million pounds of herbicides are used per year.  There are also nearly 200 industrial chemicals found in adults with no employment related exposure.

And…we wonder why so many people are sick and feel like crap.

Toxins contribute to chronic illness, autoimmune diseases, fatigue, insomnia, digestive issues, weight gain, brain fog, joint pain, reduced libido, eczema, etc.

Metabolic detoxification is your body’s natural process of removing and eliminating toxins from your cells.

Your body does a fantastic job at detoxifying your body under normal conditions. However, under the constant bombardment of chemical and toxic exposure, the body may not be able to adapt.

There are there phases of detoxification.

  1. Phase 1- Unlock.  The body transforms fat-soluble toxins to a water soluble state which makes it easier for your body to eliminate.

  2. Phase 2- Neutralize. The toxins are then converted to non-toxic molecules easing the elimination process.

  3. Phase 3- Eliminate via skin, urine, stool.

A detoxification program can help you remove natural toxins from your body and help maintain a healthy weight. In addition to being exposed to external toxins on a daily basis such as pollutants, pesticides and chemicals, our bodies also produce waste byproducts as a result of normal metabolic function. 

Although your body is designed to rid itself of these toxins naturally, it can become overburdened. A custom program offers your body additional support to expel and metabolize these toxins and manage weight, which is important to regaining and maintaining your health and vitality.

Our team of experts are ready to get your started on your journey to health. You can schedule a complimentary call with us today.


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